The Elevation Blog

Welcome, adventurer! The Elevation Blog is where we share our expertise and experience to help you unleash your creativity and soar higher. Learn about the techniques, strategies, and skills that are needed to take your creative to the next level. Create content that engages your audience, furthers your goals, and elevates your brand.

Who said hard work shouldn't also be fun?

Steph Carson

Steph Carson
An Atlanta-transplant born in Massachusetts, Steph grew up fast-forwarding her VHS movies past the credits to watch the behind-the-scenes featurette and soak in the magic of production. She knew it was the world she wanted to be in for the rest of her life. A master in the ancient art of to-do lists, Steph knows how to nurture ideas, keep artists energized, and mitigate problems before they arise. Her one-of-a-kind combination of determination and optimism will reassure you that your project is in great hands. She can also crush a roast beef sandwich… it’s a North Shore thing.

Recent Posts

How To Set a Project Up For Success

The First Law of Mentat: “A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with ...

4 Keys to a Successful Creative Partnership

Creative partnerships between a studio and a brand go together like peanut butter and jelly. When they ...

Lights, Camera, COVID Safety Checks... Action!

No one can deny that we’re seeing some great innovations in the way of live action shooting during this ...