The Elevation Blog

Welcome, adventurer! The Elevation Blog is where we share our expertise and experience to help you unleash your creativity and soar higher. Learn about the techniques, strategies, and skills that are needed to take your creative to the next level. Create content that engages your audience, furthers your goals, and elevates your brand.

Who said hard work shouldn't also be fun?

David Hendrix

David Hendrix
Hailing from Tallahassee, FL, David fell in love with editing and animation during his senior year at FSU; unfortunately, he found his calling only once it was too late to change his major. After spending his post-college nights and weekends teaching himself 3D and motion design, David has since expanded his skillset to include directing, logo design, concept development, and editing. Thanks to a commitment to doing his best on every project, David makes sure that no matter what hat he’s wearing, he pulls it off with style.

Recent Posts

How to Take Your Style to the Next Level

Ok. So you’ve come to a realization. Your design could be better. Maybe you’re working on a brand ...

The Elevation Guide to Best Practices for After Effects Toolkits

We are big believers in toolkits. Toolkits give clients the ability to independently implement graphics ...